
Kidney Failure and The intake of water

As the saying goes, "one day without food but can not get dry," drink in everyone's lives are commonplace enough. However, since being diagnosed with chronic renal failure after Sarkozy aunt have been limited even drink water, not only because of urinary frequency, nocturia question tormented her enough to choke.

The key is the doctor said, and when renal failure and decreased urine output, the water will accumulate in the body, the cardiovascular system, the load increases, the patient will be fatigue, edema, weight gain, cough, shortness of breath, reduced hematocrit etc., but also with hypertension, heart failure, pericarditis and other issues. If dialysis dehydration too fast, too much, patients prone to headaches, nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps and other water fluid imbalance syndrome. Therefore, in patients with renal failure need to pay attention to drinking in moderation .

Daily weight increase renal failure patients to the extent of not more than 1 kg, while the amount of water compared to the previous day's total urine output plus 500 to 700 ml. For example, if the first day of a total of 500 ml of urine, the amount of water the day of renal failure patients is 500 ml + 700 ml = 500 ~ 1000 ~ 1200 ml. Here is the amount of water intake in patients with total moisture throughout the day, including water, rice, milk, soup and beverages. To avoid drinking too much water, you can gargle with ice water, chewing gum and other ways to reduce the feeling of thirst. Also, patients should pay attention to try to reduce the time to focus on medication of drinking water.

The efficient therapy for kidney failure patient

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one of efficient therapy . And this therapy can remove one's symptoms gradually . And at last will restor the damage of kidney failure .
Have any questions ? You can contact me through kidney-treatment@hotmail.com .



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