
Early Symptoms and Treatment of Chronic Renal Failure

Do you want to know some early symptoms of kidney failure?I think it is very possible for everyone that diagnosed with kidney disease.And If you know these symptoms you could take measure before it becomes kidney failure.

In the body the kidneys maintain the correct balance of fluid, electrolytes, and waste products. Early symptoms of chronic renal failure are vague because the disease occurs slowly. The National Kidney Foundation reports 26 million American adults have CRF; many more are in the early stages and do not know it.

Decreased Glomerular Filtration Rate

Changes in lab work are the first symptoms noted in early CRF. Glomerular filtration rate, or GFR, is the amount of blood your kidneys are able to filter in one minute. Normal healthy kidneys should filter at least 90 milliliters of blood per minute. Kidney function is determined based on a person's GFR.
Early in CRF, the GFR remains stable or diminished only very slightly. According to Scott and White hospital people typically do not have symptoms until the GFR is significantly decreased. Even with a GFR between 60 and 89 mL/min, symptoms will be mild, if any.

Protein in The Urine

Diminished renal reserve is the term used for the early changes taking place in kidney function. The only clinical finding is protein in the urine, with a normal GFR and when patients have no symptoms. Unless a random urinalysis is performed, this symptom will be overlooked.
General Feeling of Illness
Donna D. Ignatavicius, MS RN, and M. Linda Workman, Ph.D, authors of "Medical-Surgical Nursing: Critical Thinking for Collaborative Care", explain that patients with early symptoms of chronic renal failure may complain of a general feeling of illness. Lack of energy and fatigue are often reported without any identifiable cause.


Headache may be present and is another vague symptom. Often attributed to other problems such as muscle tension, stress, sinus congestion or migraines, complaints of headache will go unrecognized until other more serious symptoms present themselves. For example, noticeable fluid retention and high blood pressure accompanying headache may point a health care practitioner in the right direction to assess for diminished kidney function.

Decreased Appetite

A decreased appetite is one of the early symptoms of chronic renal failure. This occurs because of the slowly increasing level of nitrogenous wastes in the body due to the kidney's inability to properly remove waste products from the blood. This vague symptom can go on for quite some time before becoming problematic.


Just like a decreased appetite, this symptom is often attributed to other problems like fatigue, stress or a mild illness. Because the early symptoms of chronic renal failure are so vague, they are often downplayed.

Dry Itchy Skin

As waste products build up in the body, dry itchy skin develops. People will often try lotion to help alleviate the problem. Only when the symptoms become severe will patients typically seek medical care.


If you want to reverse this disease naturally.In my opinion Traditional Chinese Medicine is a good choice.Do you heard Blood Pollution Therapy? Do you know the root cause of kidney disease?Many experts of kidney disease think The polluted blood is the root cause of kidney disease.So they came up with the Blood Pollution Therapy.

If you want to know more about this therapy you could send me an email.My email address is kidney-treatment@hotmail.com



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