
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Nephrotic Syndrome

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Nephrotic Syndrome Have you ever heard about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmo Therapy? It is a relatively new therapy for kidney disease but its good effects have been proven after treating many cases of resistant and nephrotic syndrome other kidney diseases.

Compared with conventional hormone and immunosuppressive therapies, Micro-Medicine China's best osmotherapy can cure nephrotic syndrome because it treats symptoms and causes underlying symptoms. It focuses on repairing damaged renal tissue and recovery of renal function.

The nephrotic syndrome is offered by massive proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, swelling and hyperlipidemia. Let's see how Micro-Medicine China osmotherapy can best treat nephrotic syndrome.


The conventional treatment for proteinuria are hormones, controlling high blood pressure by ACEI and ARB drugs, low-protein, low-salt diets. Proteinuria can be controlled temporarily, but it is easy to relapse when patients acquire a cold or infections or develop I'm too tired.

Micro-Medicine China osmo therapy can repair the damaged renal glomerulus and renal tubules in order to recover the renal filtration system and prevent leakage of abnormal proteins into the urine and treatment of proteinuria from the root.


Diuretic drugs are generally be prescribed to treat inflammation and prevent heart failure for nephrotic syndrome. However long-term intake of diuretics can cause metabolic disorder of sugar and fat, hypokalemia or even cause certain heart damage.

There are many natural herbs that are ideal diuretics for nephrotic syndrome, such as dandelion root, corn silk that can help treat inflammation without causing undesirable side effects to the body.

Hypoalbuminemia and hyperlipidemia

Low blood albumin often coexist with high blood lipids. When proteinuria is relieved, albumin from the blood will be improved and can also alleviate high blood lipid status.

Herbal Chinese mongholicus astragalus medicine can promote protein synthesis in the kidneys as well as to compensate for the loss of protein in the urine.

After the implementation of the Micro-Chinese Medicine osmo-therapy, will improve the appetite of patients, malnutrition due to inadequate protein intake can be solved.

After a month of treatment with Micro-Chinese Medicine osmoterapia, symptoms of nephrotic syndrome will be greatly relieved and patients will feel much better.To consolidate the healing effects, another 3 months of treatment can be done at the patient's home under the direction of the doctors.

Micro-Medicine China's osmotic therapy can block renal fibrosis and prevent disease progression in order to repair damaged intrinsic kidney cells and restore renal structure and renal function.

Above mentioned about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Nephrotic Syndrome, If you are interested in our articles, please continue to pay attention to us! We have articles on various kidney diseases, including causes, symptoms, treatment, diet and the gym has all the information! If you have any problems, you can consult our experts online, send us kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com, or leave message below!



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