
Information about Diabetes

A diabetic body is not able to turn food into energy properly. Problem lies in the body's production and the use of a hormone called insulin. Diabetes most frequently found in adults is diabetes mellitus type 2(type 1 is found in children). This disease occurs when the sugar concentration(glucose) in the blood is elevated.

The world health organization(WHO) defines diabetes in the following manner:

Diabetes mellitus is a state of chronic hyperglycemia produced by various factors:- Genetic, nutritional etc. The insuline harmone secrated by beta cells in the pancreas is the principal regulator of the blood sugar concentration. When this harmone is not produced efficiently the blood sugay concentration rises.


Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes share some similar symptoms. The most common includes lack of energy, increased hunger, weight loss, frequent urination, increased appetite, frequent or low healing of infections, excessive thrust, blurred vision, nausea, abdominal pains and weakness. While we do know that diabetes is also genetic and is passed on generation to generation. Scientists are not exactly sure of the precise cause of the disease accept that the disease may be the result of a malfunction in the boby's indocrine and immune system. Research has showed that if the immune system starts to turn itself off - prehaps the result of an auto-immune disorder, it causes a complete obliteration of the pancreases beta cells or atleast a reduction in number of functional beta cells. This than effects the amount and purity and effectiveness of the body's insuline. However, if the immune system is able to ward off an attack, the integrity of body's insuline will be maintained. More refined tests now makes it possible to detect faulty immune antibodies in blood well in advance of a person showing symptoms of diabetes. In some adults there destructive antibodies may be present years before diabetic symptoms apper. This lag time is known as the prediabetic stage.

Type 2 diabetes is develops when:-

1. The receptors on cells in the body that normally respond to the action of insuline fail to be stimulated by it. This is known as insuline resistance. In responce to this more insulin may be produced and this over production exhausts the insulin manufacturing cells in the pancreas.

2. There is in-sufficient insulin avilable.

3. The insulin that is available may be abnormal and therefore does not work properly.

Reversing insulin resistance is really a matter of understanding insulin’s role in the body. Insulin allows glucose to travel from the bloodstream into the cells, where it is used for cell functioning. When we eat foods high in refined carbohydrates, insulin levels surge to remove the sugar from the blood and get it into your cells. This mechanism works very well for the most part. But if insulin spikes too often from a diet rich in the high-carb foods that trigger insulin secretion, your cells respond by decreasing the reactivity and number of insulin receptors on their surfaces. Eventually, this prevents glucose from getting into your cells, leading to high blood sugar and depriving your cells of the energy they need to function. This is why many women with insulin resistance experience carbohydrate cravings, fatigue and weight-gain — their cells are literally starving for energy, even when plenty of glucose is available in the blood. Down the road, your body’s capacity to generate insulin appropriately becomes depleted, and the result is type 2 diabetes.

The followng risk factors increase chances of diabetes type 2-

1. Age

2. Obesity.

3. Physical inactivity - In modern society, we sit parked at our desks and in our cars for so much of the day, and food is available at almost every turn — much of which depletes the body rather than nourishing it.

4. Food we eat - Research is mounting that shows how foods high in refined carbohydrates, preservatives, pesticides, trans fats, toxins and super sugars like high-fructose corn syrup all contribute to insulin resistance.

Other but rare causes of diabetes-

1. Certain medicins.

2. Pregnancy (GESTATATIONAL diabetes).

3. Any illness or disorder that damages the pancreas and affects its ability to produce insuline e.g. pancreatities.


1. Blood cleaner and thinner with vitamin C.

2. Immunity Booster.

3. LDL cholestrol controller and insuline supporter.

4. Combo pack of amino acids.

5. Cyst and tumor remover.

6. Rich source of vitamin E and omega3.

7. Muscles power booster.



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