
Can I Take Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmtoherapy with Stage 3 of Chronic Kidney Disease

Can I take Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmtoherapy a with stage 3 of chronic kidney disease? This should be a common question that patients with CKD, since some of the medication intake can worsen their disease and cause more damage to the kidneys. In the following article, we will get the answer.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmtoherapy  is mainly used for insomnia, and can also help control anxiety, tension and fear. Although it is very effective for these symptoms, but it is kidney toxicity, it can worsen your disease and cause more damage to the kidneys.

Stage 3 of CKD means that the kidneys have been moderately damaged, the kidneys can not work well. If you take long-term intake of the lunesta, it can worsen your illness and cause further damage to the kidneys. So you have to consult with your doctor to change the medications for your case, which can be beneficial to your health.

There are also some other suggestions advised by the doctor at the Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital.

1. Maintain a planned diet with stage 3 of CKD

You will need to follow a planned diet with CKD Stage 3 because proper and friendly diet can reduce kidney load and protect your kidneys. The specific diet may include low protein, low salt, limit foods rich in potassium and phosphorus successively. You need to make a diet chart based on your own case, the following are the advice of your doctor.

2. Controlling Your Symptoms

With the kidneys moderately damaged, it is possible that some of the symptoms, such as high blood pressure, anemia, swelling, etc. You need to take the treatment to properly control these symptoms, which can slow down your progression and protect residual kidney function.

3. Restore kidney function

This is the most important thing you have to do. We suggest the Chinese Medicine Micro-Osmotherapy of our hospital, it is an external treatment and herbal-based, and can help repair kidney cells with disabilities and improve their kidney function. With systemic treatment, stage 3 of CKD has great chances of getting inverted.

If you still have any questions after reading or if you would like more details about treatment for stage 3 of CKD, you can contact us in the following way:

Email: kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com



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