Generally, for patients with renal insufficiency with creatinine 7,8 will suffer many symptoms, the doctor will recommend that you take dialysis to relive those symptoms and reduce the high level of creatinine. However, because of the side effects of dialysis, many patients want to avoid dialysis.
Can you reduce creatinine 7.8 for the kidney failure patient without dialysis?
To be frank, dialysis is one of the treatments to reduce the high creatinine level but it is not the only way to reduce the level of creatinine. Chinese medicine such as hot compress therapy may be a good option for patients kidney failure, which can help patients kidney failure to lower the high creatinine level without dialysis.
How can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy cure the lower to 7.8 without dialysis?
Hot compress therapy as one of the herb innovation of traditional Chinese medicine can lower the level of creatinine by repairing the damaged kidneys and protecting the remaining from further damage.
But you know for different patients are going to suffer different symptoms, so doctors will take care of different herbs for patients so achieve a better healing effect. But all herbs will not induce many side effects, that is, this treatment can treat kidney disease, without further damage to the kidneys.
If you want to know more about hot compress therapy or want to lower creatinine level in kidney failure without dialysis, you can send us e-mail or leave the message below, we will do our best to help you.