
Treatment of Skin Itchy for Dialysis Patients

skin itchy for dialysis patients
How to deal with skin itch for kidney failure patients on dialysis
Skin itch is one of common symptoms of kidney failure patients on dialysis. What is the causes of this symptoms? And how to deal with skin itch for kidney failure patients on dialysis? The following content will give you a answer.

Cause of skin itchy for dialysis patients

A common cause of itching is a high level of phosphorus in the body. Because dialysis doesn't effectively remove phosphorus, a renal diet that limits foods high in phosphorous is prescribed. Additionally, taking phosphorus binders with every meal and snacks can help. Try to maintain a phosphorus level at 5.5 or less. Staying on dialysis for your full treatment time is also recommended, because it can remove some phosphorus as well as other wastes and toxins.
Treatment of skin itchy for kidney failure patients on dialysis.

Treatment of skin itchy for dialysis patients

Here I suggest you Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Medicated bath therapy. These therapy are both based on Chinese herbs. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy will through a osmotic device to make the Chinese herbs enter one’s kidneys. Medicated Bath therapy will make the Chinese herbs through skin to enter one’s kidneys.

If you want to know the detailed information about our therapy can send an email to kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com. We will reply you in 24 hours. Best wishes!



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