
PKD with low back pain, how to deal with it ?

Abnormal pain especially back pain is one of common symptoms for PKD patients. What is the causes? And how to deal with it? The following content will give you the answer.  

Cause of PKD with low back pain 

People with ADPKD often get persistent or chronic flank, lower back and/or abdominal pain that is not related to infection, bleeding into a cyst, or a kidney stone. This chronic pain is caused by:
Developing cysts
Pressure by cysts against other organs
Changes in the back muscles and the spine due to enlarging cysts.

Low back pain treatment for PKD patients

Since the cysts get enlarged progressively, the remained kidney units will be less gradually, as well as the kidney function, the main purpose of treatment should be prevent the kidney function loss. Infections are important factors that cause the disease deteriorate, so once patients bleed, they should stay in bed for rest, and take measures to stop the bleeding.

And I suggest you Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. This therapy is more safe and more comfortable than the other Traditional PKD treatment method. If you want to know this therapy more. Contact our hospital by send an email to kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com.



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