
What can I do to avoid dialysis

What can I do to avoid dialysis? With dialysis treatment, your quality of life will be very low and from dialysis can cause some side effects such as low blood pressure, infection, muscle cramps and headache. In addition, dialysis can make your kidney function loss more. Therefore, dialysis is not a treatment for kidney disease. Is there any chance of avoiding dialysis?

What can I do to avoid dialysis?

There are actually three types of kidney tissues, including healthy kidney cells, damaged kidney cells and dead kidney cells. We can not do anything for dead kidney cells but damaged kidney cells can be repaired by Chinese medicines. If damaged kidney cells are repaired, kidney function is improved. it is possible that you may delay the start of dialysis.

To repair damaged kidney tissues, Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital recommends four a traditional Chinese medicine treatment. It is a systematic treatment of Chinese medicine including Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, MaiKang Mix, Medicinal Soup and Medicinal Foot Bath. These are four typical Chinese medicine treatments in our hospital.

Micro-Medicine Chinese osmotherapy

It is an external application based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Chinese medicines are micronized first powder. The osmosis machine helps Chinese medicines reach the kidney injury directly through the skin permeability. You just have to be in bed to take this therapy. With the functions of blood vessel dilation, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation and degradation of the extracellular matrix, can provide a good environment for repair of kidney damage and improvement of renal function.

Foot bath medicine

Immerse the feet in the tub of the foot with the medicinal decoction. The active ingredients in Chinese medicines can dilate blood vessels, improve blood circulation and increase their immunity. It is effective in reducing the high creatinine level.

MaiKang Mix

It is a kind of Chinese patent medicine. It has the ability to remove blood clots and regulate the immune system. It also contains various nutrients such as vitamins, organic acids, amino acids and active enzyme, etc.

Medical soup

different patient will be given different medication. Patients need to take this medicinal soup every day.

Four of a traditional Chinese treatment is a systematic therapy for kidney disease. It can help to delay the onset of dialysis or at least reduce dialysis times. If you want to get more information, you can consult the doctor online or at whatsapp +8618203203537  directly, you can also leave the message below or send the email to kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com , we can help you with everything possible.



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