
Is Dialysis a Proper Option for Patients with End Stage Renal Disease

Mrs Li is 35 years old from Xingtai city of Hebei Province. She works very hard every day for a better life. However, they recently realized that their face become much darker than before, and they also suffer form a very poor appetite. For the reason, a complete medical examination was done and the result impacted a lot, she has kidney failure, it is uremia and she has to start with dialysis, since the disease is very serious now.

Since then, she begins another life living on dialysis, but she is still looking for some new alternative treatment to fight against chronic kidney failure. They have gone to many hospitals and asked many doctors. However, the answers are the same, you can only live with dialysis in your whole life, there is no other treatment for her. Although the answers are disappointing, she never gives up and is still looking for an effective treatment, she began paying her attention in Chinese medicine. And, in the end, this is our hospital, Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, China.

The creatinine level is 582umol / L the day he arrived at our hospital. She looks very thin and her condition is very bad, her skin is dark and dull. Our doctors perform a series treatment plan for her according to her illness condition, including Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Maikang Blend, Medicinal Bath Foot, Complete Medical Bath, Stem Cell Therapy, Hot Compress Therapy, etc. . There is still some glomerular filtration function was therefore the first step to do for it is to protect the left filtration function. In the meantime, we will also try to cure the part of glomerular patients and make them recover. In fact, to recover the alteration of kidney function, the most important is to cleanse the toxins and debris in the body first and then take a certain treatment according to the disease characters.



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