
It can treat the 4th stage of renal failure with a hot compress therapy

As hot compress therapy uses mature and shows obvious effects of treatment in the treatment of renal failure, more and more patients kidney disease comes to China for this therapy. But, as is well known, kidney disease is difficult to treat, especially when it has progressed to an advanced stage. and 4th-stage renal disease as advanced kidney disease, it can be treated through therapy a hot compress?

In stage 4 renal failure, impaired renal function may only constraint to work on their own. If effectively unregulated, patients should start dialysis or a kidney transplant to do in the near future. To make matters worse, their levels of creatinine, urea nitrogen, uric acid, etc. of Hb, sharpen quickly. But a hot compress therapy as an effective treatment of kidney disease would be useful for the relief of symptoms, therefore, the formation of a hot compress therapy is one good news for patients with stage 4 kidney failure.

What is the theoretical basis of treatment in a hot compress?

In fact, there is a corresponding point on the skin of each organ and system, and the skin is full of pores. Thus, the effective ingredients of herbal medicines can enter the body through the pores of the skin, and this method is called the external application of herbal medicine. Hot compress therapy is a treatment option.

As hot compress therapy can be treated with the 4th stage renal failure?

First, doctors will select a particular treatment formula based on the patient's disease state. All drugs in the treatment of formulary changes from person to person.

Then, these drugs are fragmented super-finely. Then the drugs were placed in two bags and soaked penetrant. Thus, the drug ingredients can penetrate into the body more easily.

Finally, these two packages placed on the health of patients Shen-shu points, which according to the patient's kidneys. Thus, effective medicine ingredients can reach renal lesions and to work directly. Then the kidney function improved obviously, and high creatinine levels decrease naturally. That is, the 4th stage renal disease can be successfully treated.

If you want to know more, and you have questions, you can contact us via the following way. I'm very glad to help you. We wish you a speedy recovery!

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