
A Patieny Story with Dialysis

A Patieny Story with Dialysis

How all know that in piáises male especially in Western countries, dialysis treatment is very common to treat kidney disease, but says is that no one really wants to take dialysis to repair damaged kidneys, because dialysis is not only a long and damaged process, but also about a lot of money, the effect is not very noticeable, gradually, the patient may remove life expectancy.

However, in Western piáises kidney exceptos far not yet found a more advanced and effective treatment for kidney disease cure .Afrotualmente in renal Chinese experts have found a more advanced treatment, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy with the help of this treatment, many patients are better .Now, parmitame give you an example.


Gender: Male

Age: 59

Country: Papua New Guinea

He is a patient with CKD 5, and proteinuria have already suffered for 5 years, elevated creatinine levels for 3 months, been on dialysis for two months before coming to China for treatment.

Now let's see what TIMA KAEYO says during the interview:

After I was diagnosed with kidney disease, I went to the Philippines for consultation. Doctors there suggested me money to prepare for dialysis or transplantation riñón.También went to Singapore for treatment, but the information I have is as the same as I got in the Philippines. My blood type is O, one of six children of mine, blood type only the youngest son suits me. But he is too young to donate a kidney. When I was about to give up, a friend who received treatment in China suggested I come to China for the new therapy. My doctor said he also had never heard of this new therapy in China, but finally got to try it.

I have never seen such a magical treatment. Here I received Micro-Chinese Medicine, acupuncture, medicated bath, hemodialysis, hemofiltration, etc. Now I am very happy to say: "Goodbye, dialysis"

Now let's see your improvements

Some items before coming to China: creatinine 1142umol / L, BUN: 33.5mmol / L, the AU 592umol / L, Ca: 2.64 mmol / L, hemachrome: 111 mg / L

Some items after receiving treatment in China: creatinine (predialysis): 405umol / l, creatinine (post-dialysis): 215umol / L; BUN (predialysis) 33.5mmol / L. BUN (post-dialysis) 7.6 mmol / L; UA (predialysis): 470umol / L, UA (post-dialysis): 182umol / L; Ca: 2.43 mmol / L; hemachrome: 115 mg / L

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