
The reason and treatment for PKD patients with high fever

PKD is a status that the kidneys are full of cyst. If the number of cysts is too big, it will damage your kidney function.

Many PKD patients often suffer from high fever. Do you want to the relationship between high fever and PKD?

Cause of PKD with high fever

There are mainly two conditions that can cause high fever for PKD patients. One is infection and the other is cyst bleeding.

Infection:If the infection can not be effectively or timely treated, it can cause fever, chill and pains, etc. Orally taken antibiotics can help control the infections. In case of high fever and other severe symptoms, intravenous injection of antibiotics will be needed to first bring the infection under control, stabilize illness conditions and prevent further deterioration.

Cyst bleeding:If the cyst is connected with the urinary tract and bladder, it will cause blood in urine, flank pain, high fever; if the ruptured cyst does not communicate with the urinary tract, patients can feel flank pain and fever.

PKD with high fever treatment

Treatment for high fever caused by PKD should try to protect kidney functions at the same time of lowering high fever and treating other symptoms.So the Chinese herb is the best choice. Because use the right combination of Chinese herbs not only can remove your symptoms and and can improve your kidney function gradually. And in addition ,there are a efficient therapy named Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. With the help of osmosis device, effective ingredients of herbal medicines will infiltrate into kidneys through the main channels. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can repair the damaged kidney inherent cells and enhance the patients′ immunity.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy just one of our efficine therapies. You can know more about our therapy through kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com. Have any other questions , you also can consult me.Best wishes!



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