
Creatinine level is 1.8 and Tests Shows that 50% Kidney Damage

Why does the creatinine go high? You know, the creatinine is the wastes of muscle metabolism and they should be filtered through our kidneys' glomeruli and then discharged out by urine. If the glomeruli are damaged and GFR(glomerular filtration function) decreases, these wastes will not be let off, then these toxins will stay in the blood, that is why the serum creatinine shows high.

High creatinine means high toxins in body. Generally speaking once the creatinine level is higher, there is more than 50% kidney function has been damaged. But many factors can affect the creatinine level after kidney damaged, such as the exercise and meat etc. So you should pay attention to your daily care. You had better have the low salt, low fat and high quality protein diet. Food may do some help however it can not cure disease from root. But pls do not worry as timely treatment can make your condition much better.

Diet suggestion :

1. Low potassium 2. Low salt 3. Low phosphorus 4. Low fat 5. Low high-quality protein 6. High vitamin
Please note that spicy foods like raw onions, ginger, garlic should be avoided. Also tobacco, alcohol and dog meat should not be eaten.


Kidney Dialysis
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

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